What is PEMF Therapy?
PEMF, is a revolutionary wellness program that uses Pulsed Electromagnetic fields to recharge and restore your body’s cells. PEMF is a way to recharge every cell in your body so your cells are better able to uptake nutrients, excrete waste, and function optimally. The number one sign that your cells need energy support is pain. Pain and fatigue are your body’s cry for help — it’s how your body gets your attention. Other signs include dis-ease, weakness, reduced function of any body part, and emotional imbalances. PEMF is trusted worldwide as a way to bring your body’s own cells back into electrical balance and restore stressed and damaged tissues, The FDA has approved PEMF for multiple conditions including injuries, swelling, fractures, and even depression.

Frequently Asked Questions
What Is PEMF?
Cellular Exercise using Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF) is a therapeutic approach wherein electromagnetic fields penetrate deep into your body, engaging in a workout for your cells. This process induces a rhythmic expansion and contraction of cells, equal to the effects of a gym workout. Similar to muscles, cellular strength is crucial, with weak cells often exhibiting low voltage. PEMF Cellular Exercise works to replenish energy in cells with low voltage. As cells undergo this dynamic cycle, they expel toxins and absorb nutrients, boosting their voltage and fortifying their resilience. Elevated voltage enables cells to thrive, heal, and reproduce effectively, fostering the generation of robust cellular offspring.
What Are The Benefits?
PEMF Cellular Exercise is noted for its capacity to bolster the body’s inherent healing mechanisms by restoring the inherent charge present in thriving cells. A state of healthiness is associated with improved sleep, heightened energy levels, and a reduced likelihood of encountering pain and inflammation.
What Is The History?
The fundamental technology has been present in diverse iterations for many decades, commencing with Nikola Tesla’s development of alternating current in the 1800s. Approximately seventy years ago, Dr. Harold Saxton Burr, PhD, substantiated that diseases were preceded by a measurable disruption in our electrical charge. Subsequently, PEMF Cellular Exercise emerged, initially employed to assist in bone growth. Presently, it is employed to promote overall well-being throughout the entire body.
What Age Do I Have To Be For PEMF?
Individuals of all age groups can experience advantages from PEMF therapy without any age-related limitations. While senior citizens often find PEMF particularly beneficial, irrespective of age, cells thrive on the energizing effects of this therapy!
Does PEMF Hurt?
No, you’ll experience a mild pulsing or tapping sensation. Frequently, our clients even drift into a light nap during their sessions.
Is It Safe?
Certainly! This therapy energizes your cells, enabling them to operate at their optimal potential. Research carried out at Old Dominion University and backed by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research investigated the impact of extremely potent pulses on living tissue. In the burgeoning domain of Bioelectrics, findings indicate that “these potent, ultrashort voltage pulses uniquely penetrate the cell’s outer layer to stimulate the essential structures within, causing no harm.
Is It FDA Approved?
Certainly, the FDA has granted approval for the use of PEMF in the improvement of bone formation following lumbar and cervical spinal fusion surgery, as well as for bone fractures, wound healing, pain reduction, tissue swelling, and even depression.
Who Shouldn't Have PEMF?
If you possess a pacemaker, are currently pregnant, have a seizure history, or have an implanted electronic device that cannot be removed during the session, PEMF is not suitable for you. Kindly inquire about alternative appointment types that might better suit your needs.
How Will I Feel After My Session?
Most individuals express a positive experience, feeling revitalized after their session. If, however, you experience fatigue or soreness, it could signify the release of toxins from your cells. Taking Daily Vitality Essentials and staying hydrated can alleviate this. Kindly inform us so that we can adjust your next session accordingly.
Do I Have To Undress?
Certainly not, you can undergo PEMF therapy fully clothed. If you prefer, you may choose to remove your shoes.
How Long Are The Sessions?
A recommended starting point is three sessions, each lasting an hour, ideally completed within a span of 7-10 days or less.
How Many Sessions Do I Need?
This will be assessed during your intake evaluation and the introductory period, certain issues call for distinct levels of treatment, and we offer cost-effective package options to accommodate your needs.
When Should I Schedule My Sessions?
As the benefits accumulate over time, it is advisable, when initiating PEMF, to attend sessions at least twice a week. However, if daily sessions suit your schedule, you are welcome to do so. Following your initial set of appointments, we provide packages and maintenance plans featuring weekly or monthly sessions, tailored to your specific circumstances.
Do I Need A Referral?
No, it is not necessary. Although a significant number of our clients are referred by their physicians, you do not need a referral to visit us.
What If I Have Had A Joint Replaced?
Certainly not an issue. Even if you have metal screws, plates, rods, or joints, you can still engage in PEMF therapy.
How Do I Get The Most Benefit From My Session?
Adopting a wholesome diet comprising raw, fresh vegetables and fruits, along with maintaining proper hydration, serves as a valuable foundation for any wellness regimen. We suggest the Daily Vitality Essentials as a nutrient to help restore your cellular health. This is to be used before or after a pulse session and can be taken daily to enhance your wellness goals. When communication between your cells and brain, as well as optimal energy flow throughout your nervous system, is achieved, the effectiveness of any therapy you undertake is likely to be enhanced.
Can I Use My Insurance?
We are not a provider approved by any insurance company. You may inquire with your insurance provider to explore the possibility of reimbursement for some or all of your sessions. Additionally, consider checking with the administrator of your Health Savings Account to determine if those funds can be utilized for your PEMF sessions.
Great! How Can I Schedule?
You can book your appointment by calling our office at 561-203-2643